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  • +256 700 402042

Donate To One Of Our Causes

Your donation is used to take care of the kids at the charity

Street Outreach

The Street Outreach project by Child Destiny Africa is a comprehensive program designed to uplift and empower street children in Kampala Ghetto towns, specifically focusing on areas like Kisenyi.

Education Sponsorship

At Childs Destiny Africa, we are dedicated to creating lasting change by empowering youth and children through education.

Help Us Reduce The Number Of Street Children In Uganda

At Child Destiny Africa, we are on a mission to make a lasting impact and change the trajectory of vulnerable children’s lives in Uganda. Our cause

We Need More Land To Grow Children’s Food

At Child Destiny Africa, we recognize the critical importance of providing wholesome, nutritious food to the children we serve.

Sponsor A Child



Andrew is a tenacious and resilient 10-year-old boy who has overcome adversity with a fighting spirit.



Joram is a vibrant and lively 7-year-old boy who radiates joy wherever he goes.



John is a resilient and determined 9-year-old boy with a captivating smile that can brighten up any room.


Namanya Frank

Namanya Frank is a nine (9) year boy who was raised by a single parent (Mother). He hails from Bwaise a Kampala suburb.

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